We plan to homeschool year-round. We’ll follow a school schedule for six weeks and take one week off. During the summer, however, we follow a more relaxed homeschool routine.

I like having adventures on certain days, followed by days where we have no plan except for swimming, a bunch of day-trips and one to two longer road trips. Two of my kids do really well with structure and knowing the “plan of the day” for several days at a time. The other one is constantly coming up with even more adventurous ideas.
I’ve gotten in the habit of creating a loose structure to our summers. We do lots of swim lessons, summer camps, museum days, beach and road trips.
We also put on the schedule time to “do nothing” and relax.
This summer, since we started homeschooling this year, I’ll fit in our regular school work when we happen to be home.
I would love to be that family that can just wake up, read books and lounge around the house with no plans… But those children are not in this family.
So, here instead is a relaxed summer homeschool routine that works for myself and my family.
Step 1: Print out a blank summer calendar
You can find lots of examples through Google. However, I made a free printable Summer of 2019 calendar just for my readers. You can find that at the end of this post.
Step 2: Grab a pencil
Start filling in your calendar with only the most important activities. These are the items that affect the rest of your summer calendar.
Do you have a family reunion that’s always the first week of August? Put it in. Is Vacation Bible School at your church the third week of July? Write it down.
SUMMER SUCCESS TIP: Do not add too many of these activities if you can. You want to save room for spontaneous activities or to just relax at home.
Step 3: Gather the dates of all other activities that interested you
Write those events on your calendar IN PENCIL for each child. These are the “wish list” activities. STEM camp, tennis lessons or a second round of swim lessons. Add these. But remember… in pencil only.
Step 4: Add the Cherry Toppings to your Schedule
Now it’s time to add the final “wish list” items to your calendar. These are the special museum outings, all the “spontaneous” beach days (yes, add them now or you’ll forget to go), messy science projects (and add the supplies to your shopping list), movie afternoons, etc.
SUMMER SUCCESS TIP: Consider your own energy level when planning outings.
My middle child and I prefer the following routine: Adventure Day followed by a Rest Day. When we’re not in the middle of a previously scheduled “Level 1” activity, we follow this routine. We might go to the beach one day and stay . But the next day, we’ll stay close to home; do some laundry, go to the community pool, visit the library.
SUMMER SUCCESS TIP: Once your calendar is complete, invite your friends along on some of your adventures!
Step 5: Homeschool with what’s left
Remember those museum outings and beach days? That counts as science! What better way to learn than out in the wide world?! So, don’t stress or start to feel “behind” when your kids are climbing that dinosaur skeleton.
When you happen to be home (remember those Rest Days?) is when you homeschool. Plan for some light math to keep up everyone’s math fact knowledge, some phonics instruction and lots and lots of reading.
And, if your child wants to make cardboard ziggurats or catapults with straws? Get them the supplies and help as best you can!
Step 5: Your Turn
Ready? Now go gather your calendar, pencil and camp dates and get your summer routine on the calendar! If you’d like a summer 2019 calendar, please download mine below.
Step 6: Download the above link and please pin this image 🙂